Jun-04 12:30-13:00 in Symphony

The Digital Public Infrastructure movement has been gaining momentum globally as governments move to DPI-based approaches to create exponential societal outcomes within and across sectors. DPI is composed of open, interoperable technology with transparent, accountable, and participatory governance frameworks to unlock innovation and value at scale. This session will introduce how Apache projects like Fineract recognized as Digital Public Goods are having transformative impact on achieving SDGs.

Through presentation of the work Mifos has been undertaking over the past 12 months we will show how capabilities have been enhanced in Payment Hub EE combined with the power of Fineract to cover new use cases of P2G, Voucher Management and Account Mapping. This means that core banking systems such as Fineract with such additions can cover the needs of Governments adopting DPI. This session will cover how the growing focus on DPI is also leading to better cooperation between open source Fintech DPGs and in turn how this is now allowing for increased adoption and hence addressing financial inclusion. The session will update on the latest DPI status, explain how DPGs such as Fineract and PH-EE and protocols such as Interledger fit in and demonstrating impact of adoption of DPI by talking through real-world use cases. It will cover how the ongoing efforts to harmonise and work with other DPGs (MOSIP, Mojaloop) and initiatives (OpenG2P, G2PConnect, GovStack) allows for easier adoption by governments.


What is a DPI and DPG and why is it important

The increasing convergence on DPI’s

Where is the single definition of a DPI

Fineract and PH-EE improvements to address Government DPI challenges

ID Account Mapper


Voucher Management

Functional Wallet for Payments

Fineract and Interledger Protocol how does it address Financial Inclusion

What is ILP and why is it relevant to Fineract

How can they be aligned

What does this offer over current solutions

How is Financial Inclusion addressed

Real-world use cases for Fineract and PH-EE adoption for financial inclusion and core banking

Challenges for adoption and how these can be addressed

Harmonisation and why its key to adoption

Conclusions and next steps/challenges for the Fineract and PH-EE communities